MOTI: Planet Hype
3 October 2015 – 13 March 2016 The Ice Bucket Challenge, Je suis Charlie, the Harlem Shake, #BringBackOurGirls, the Selfie Olympics and Kony 2012: hypes have a hold on our lives and the media. Whether
Strategy || Creativity || Critical thinker || Teacher
3 October 2015 – 13 March 2016 The Ice Bucket Challenge, Je suis Charlie, the Harlem Shake, #BringBackOurGirls, the Selfie Olympics and Kony 2012: hypes have a hold on our lives and the media. Whether
It’s friday night, weekend has just begun and you and your friends are looking for a nice bar, club or restaurant to drink some beers. But where to go to? Just download the HipsterFlipster app